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Publishing house

The Center got the licence for publishing activities on 26th February 1996. The department of intellectual property was created by management decision. The department united the laboratory of patent-licence, invention and innovative activity with editorial laboratory. The department got its own printing facilities equipped with the cutting-edge equipment.

The editorial office of the Center's publishing house became a part of the intellectual property department.

Editor-in-chief: Academician RAS Leo Bockeria.

Head of intellectual property department and editor-in-chief of the publishing house: Tatyana Yushkevich.

Around 400 publications have been issued from 1997. They included monographies, lectures, guidelines, atlases, statistical digests and study guides for doctors.

The publishing house issues the following peer-reviewed scientific and practical journals:

All journals are included in the list of Russian periodical peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the publication of the main results of theses for M.D. and Ph.D. is recommended.

All journals are indexed in databases: Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, Russian Science Citation Index. Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory   Российский индекс научного цитирования

They are the part of the RSCI core.


All journals are presented in the databases: Scientific Electronic Library, National Digital Resource "Rukont", EastView.

Научная электронная библиотека Национальный цифровой ресурс «Руконт» EastView

The medical literature published at the Center is distributed to all leading libraries of Russia through the Russian Book Chamber / ITAR-TASS branch.

Российская книжная палата Российская государственная библиотека

Telephones of DIP (editorial office):

8 (499) 236-92-87

8 (499) 236-92-86

E-mail of DIP (editorial office):



Address of DIP (editorial office): 8 Leninsky Prospekt, building 18, Мoscow, 119049

Federal State Budget Institution “A. N. Bakulev National Medical Research Center of cardiovascular surgery” Russian Federation Ministry of Health, the department of intellectual property

Books and journals can be purchased:

  • In Moscow at 8 Leninsky Prospect, building 18, the department of intellectual property (DIP).

  • In Russia cash on delivery, by sending an application to: izdinsob@yandex.ru.

  • Online store of medical literature shopdon.ru

  • For universities in electronic form, you can apply for access to "EBS Lan" LLC and Company "IPR" Media " LLC

  • Electronic journals can be purchased on the journal's official websites.

  • Subscribe to agencies:

Урал-Пресс ИВИС Книга-Сервис Руспресса

Ural-Press LLC

Ivis LLC
GlobalPress LLC
Book-Service LLC
Ruspressa LLC

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Институт кардиохирургии им. В.И. Бураковского
121552, Москва, Рублевское шоссе, дом 135
Институт коронарной и сосудистой хирургии
119049, Москва, Ленинский проспект, дом 8, корпус 7
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121552, Москва, Рублевское шоссе, дом 135
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1998 - 2025, ФГБУ «НМИЦ ССХ им. А.Н. Бакулева» Минздрава России. Все права защищены. Россия, Москва, Ленинский проспект, 8к7