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Международный онлайн-симпозиум «Критические врожденные пороки сердца»

18 - 27 Октября 2023

Международный онлайн-симпозиум «Критические врожденные пороки сердца»

about the symposium


 " Critical congenital heart diseases "

October 26-th, 2023

National Children's Medical Center (Shanghai), Shanghai Children's Medical Center Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine

A.N. Bakulev National Medical Investigation Center for Cardiovascular surgery, Moscow
(Bakulev Center for CVS)

from Shanghai Children's
Medical Center:

Moderators from
Bakulev Center for CVS:


Zhang Hao

President of Shanghai Children's Medical Center

Director of Shanghai Institute of Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease

Standing Secretary -General of National Society of Congenital Heart Diseases


Elena Z. Golukhova

Director of the Center, academician of Russian Academy of Siences,

Chief Cardiology Specialist and Arrhythmologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Zhang Haibo

Chief surgeon and Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery department, Deputy director of Heart Center, Shanghai Children's Medical Center

Deputy director of Shanghai Institute of Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease

Member of AATS

Member of ECHSA and ECHSA database

Editorial board member of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Aleksey I. Kim

Deputy director for medical work with infants and young children

Head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery of Newborns and Infants

Chief Pediatric Specialist Cardiovascular Surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Dong Wei

Deputy director of Cardiothoracic Surgery department

Head of Cardiothoracic Surgery Ward, Shanghai Children's Medical Center

Konstantin V. SHatalov

Deputy Director for Research

Head of the Department of Emergency Surgery for Congenital Heart Diseases with Circulatory Assist Group


1. Aortic valve surgery in children.
Zhang Haibo (15min.)

2. Congenital aortic valve stenosis. Problems and solutions.
A.E. Chernogrivov, A.I. Kim (15 min.)

3. Surgical Management of CHD with Tracheal Stenosis in Infants.
Wang Shunmin (15min.)

4. Double outlet right ventricle - from anatomy to surgery. New concepts and considerations.
K.M. Dzhidzhikhiya, K.V. Shatalov (15 min.)

5. ECMO in Shanghai Children’s Medical Center.
Wang Wei (15min.)

6. The use of extracorporal life support systems in pediatric cardiac surgery.
K.V. Shatalov, M.V.Makhalin (15 min.)

Introduction of speakers from Shanghai Children's Medical Center:

  1. Zhang Hao – President of Shanghai Children's Medical Center. Director of Shanghai Institute of Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease. Standing Secretary -General of National Society of Congenital Heart Diseases

  2. Zhang Haibo – Chief surgeon and Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery department, Deputy director of the Heart Center, Shanghai Children's Medical Center; Deputy director of Shanghai Institute of Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease; Member of AATS; Member of ECHSA and ECHSA database; Editorial board member of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon.

  3. Wang Shunmin – Chief surgeon of Cardiothoracic Surgery department, Head of Cardiothoracic Surgery Ward, Shanghai Children's Medical Center Shanghai

  4. Wang Wei – Chief Perfusion Doctor; Vice Party Secretary of Shanghai Children’s Medical Center; Associate Director of Chinese Extracorporeal Circulation Society; Director of Shanghai Extracorporeal Circulation Society.

  5. Dong Wei – Deputy director of Cardiothoracic Surgery department. Head of Cardiothoracic Surgery Ward, Shanghai Children's Medical Center.

Introduction of speakers from Bakulev Center for CVS:

  1. Kim Aleksey Ivanovich - MD, PhD, Professor, Deputy director for medical work with infants and young children, Head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery of Newborns and Infants, National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.N. Bakulev. Chief Freelance Pediatric Specialist Cardiovascular Surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

  2. Shatalov Konstantin Valentinovich – MD, PhD, Professor, Deputy Director for Science, Head of the Department of Emergency Surgery for Congenital Heart Diseases with Circulatory Assist Group, National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.N. Bakulev

  3. Chernogrivov Alexey Evgenievich – MD, PhD, Medical Doctor of the highest category, Cardiovascular surgeon, Chief Researcher, Department of Emergency Surgery for Premature and 1-Year-Old Children with CHD (ESC), National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.N. Bakulev

  4. Dzhidzhikhia Konstantine Malkhazovych – MD, PhD, cardiovascular surgeon, Department of emergency surgery for congenital heart defects with a circulatory support group, National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.N. Bakulev

  5. Makhalin Maxim Vadimovich – MD, PhD, Cardiovascular Surgeon, Senior Researcher, Department of emergency surgery for congenital heart defects with a circulatory support group, surgeon, Department of emergency surgery for congenital heart defects with a circulatory support group, National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.N. Bakulev


Институт кардиохирургии им. В.И. Бураковского
121552, Москва, Рублевское шоссе, дом 135
Институт коронарной и сосудистой хирургии
119049, Москва, Ленинский проспект, дом 8, корпус 7
Реабилитационный центр для детей с пороками сердца
121552, Москва, Рублевское шоссе, дом 135
(понедельник-пятница с 8.30 до 17.30)
Адрес электронной почты

1998 - 2025, ФГБУ «НМИЦ ССХ им. А.Н. Бакулева» Минздрава России. Все права защищены. Россия, Москва, Ленинский проспект, 8к7